Helping create the heroes of Rocket Arena with the team at FSG was a blast (pun-intended). It's hard to describe the amount of creativity and excitement that went into each one of these characters. The team was absolutely invested in making sure every character was as exciting and empowering as they could be. Creating engaging characters is no small task and a lot of great conversation and craft went into each of them. Making sure they felt authentic to fans, expanded the brand, and still felt super appealing was a challenge we embraced together. None of these characters could've been possible without the contributions of the entire team at FSG.
Lineup Credits:
Animation: Lahela Schoessler
Character Art: Chris Whitaker, Nathan Martinez, Johan Mai, Trung Dang, Tyler Breon
Concept: Sam Wood, Erin Middendorf
Render/Polish: Tyler Breon
Art Direction: Dev Madan